Friends of Burlington Parks Calendar – Rules
Description of Objectives
The Friends of Burlington Parks Calendar has 2 main goals:
Show the beauty our 13 community parks have to offer through photographs taken by members of the community.
Create a Calendar with Seasonally/ monthly relevant photographs for purchase, in time for the beginning of the new year, to raise funds for the Parks.
Events from this contest may be announced and promoted on the Friends of Burlington Parks web page https://friendsofburlingtonparksia.org/ and our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/friendsofburlingtonparksia, but contest entry and administration will take place through e-mail & Facebook. Contest winners will also be announced on Facebook.
How to enter
Photos taken within one of our 13 parks must be submitted in an attachment to this e-mail address: friendsofburlingtonparksia@gmail.com. Please title the email “Calendar Submission”. We are also accepting submissions via Facebook, as comments on any of the photo contest posts.
By participating in this contest, you are waiving all rights for publication and future use by the Friends of Burlington Parks. Once a photograph is submitted, it is considered a final submission and may not be modified, edited, or replaced.
Individual contestants may submit no more than five photos. However, maximum two photos of an individual contestant may be included in the calendar.
Participation in this contest is deemed as acceptance of these Official Contest Rules. A submission must be an original digital photograph, taken by the contestant.
Entries may be submitted between October 18 and November 1st, 2023. Judging begins on November 2nd, 2023 and ends at the latest on November 7th, 2023. Once the final photographs are chosen, the winners will be announced.
Content requirements
Photographs may contain individuals, but also should focus on the parks landscape, nature and wildlife. If an image submitted contains individuals whose image or likeness appears, we will consider that consent from the individual to be used in the calendar and future publications.
Technical format requirements
The final calendar will be produced at a size of 8.5" x 11" when closed and 19" x 22" when open, where at least one photograph will be chosen for each month. Copies of the calendar for purchase will be available when they are announced as being printed and delivered. Submitted photographs must be in jpg or png format, and should not have any visible watermarks, signatures, or personally identifiable information.
Selection of Winners
The contest judges will comprise of a minimum of 4 but not more than 6 Friends of Burlington Parks board members.
Judges will select contest winners from among all eligible entries based on the following criteria: technical excellence, artistic merit, originality, composition, and ability to showcase the unique experience of the various parks.
Each winner and/or finalist will be asked to provide a brief statement about the submission – it is not mandatory.
Winners and finalists may choose to use an alias instead of their real name and may request other identifying information be kept private. Winner(s) will be contacted via e-mail at the e-mail address they provided for registration or via Facebook for submissions sent via a comment. The inability of Contest Sponsors to contact a potential winner may result in disqualification and/or selection of an alternate winner from among all remaining eligible submissions.
Friends of Burlington Parks Board will issue a 2024 calendar with the winning photos (12 months – January-December 2024 and a cover photo), and each winner will get one free copy of this calendar. The Cover Page photo will receive an additional $100 prize.
Winners must confirm the acceptance of the prize in an email reply within three calendar days. If the acceptance is not confirmed by the required date, the Judges reserve the right to select an alternate winner.
If the winner is unable to pick up their prize in person, please provide a valid physical mailing address where a prize, if any, is to be shipped.
Final words
This annual calendar is being coordinated by volunteers from the Friends of Burlington Parks Board. We hope the success of this calendar will result in an ongoing annual repeat of the event and look forward to making any adjustments to the process in the future. We hope that the contest is embraced and enjoyed by all participants.